FOX 5 Deal Wizard - Power Line Broadband Switch

The FOX 5 Deal Wizard hears machine gun fire coming from inside the kid’s room. Yes, “Call of Duty” and the Xbox fight this PC for wireless bandwidth all day, every day. No more. The Deal Wizard has found a deal that solves all of these problems. It’s called a power line network switch… and that’s just a fancy way to say that these miracle boxes pass your Internet connection through the power lines in your house. And yes, it works great… and no, there is no requirement to be a brain surgeon to make it work. OK, here’s the deal… you need two of these gizmos. One to transmit the broadband signal and one to receive it. And I’m assuming that you DO already have a broadband Internet plan at your house. No, these things will not pull broadband service out of thin air. Back to the easy setup. Plug one box into a power socket near your broadband modem or existing router. Plug the Ethernet cable into that source and the other end into the Netgear box. Now, go to the place in your house where you want a “hardline” Internet connection. Plug in the other Netgear box, hook up the Ethernet cable to your computer or game system and PRESTO, you have service. No complicated setup. Just plug it in and it works. Tiger Direct has these magic boxes as refurbs for 22.99 + shipping. Remember you’ll need two. The Deal Wizard had these babies up and running in 5 minutes and it could solve a big problem in your house if you have a bandwidth hog that needs a bigger pipe. The Deal Wizard is ordering another one right now...
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